
→ RKK, Registered Under Companies 1956, on 25.3.1987 at Registered Office West Nada, Guruvayur, CIN: 65992UPTC1987, Phone: 2555038, 8589875050

→ RKK, governing by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Registrar of Companies, Ernakulam.

→ RBI regulations applicable under miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies.

→ RKK, have 5 Directors and 50 Shareholders

→ 5 Branches: Guruvayur, Kunnamkulam, Koottanad, Pattambi, Thrissur.

→ All chits registered under Central Chit Fund Act 1982 and Kerala Chitty Rule 2012.

→ Main object in Memorandum and Articles of Association is conducting chit business.

To achieve the main Objectives, the following sub objectives are set to be achieved:

→ To maintain customer satisfaction level at 99 % of total customers.

→ Resolving customer compliant within a maximum of 24 working hours.

→ Risk undertaken in kuri payments should not exceed10 % of total kuri payments per month.

→ Default level should not exceed 1 % of total chit amount per month.

→ 100 % statutory and legal compliance per month

→ To increase quarterly turnover by Rs. 0.75 Crore with addition of 100 new customers.

→ Payment of monthly incentives to employees n the basis of performance.

→ Grant of an extra holiday to particular employees for outstanding performance above targeted assignments per month.